News from the Bowen College community

Bowen College is committed to patient-centered, pain-free care. Read news from our community.

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My Personal Journey of “Dis-ease”

My Personal Journey of “Dis-ease”

Today, I am at peace with my health. I have “found myself” on this journey. I am free of scoliosis, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, and cancer, and I am living a life full of happiness and gratitude. I have realized that healing is about living life with consciousness and presence. Since 1992 I’ve helped thousands of patients and trained hundreds of students to achieve optimum health and to engage fully in their lives. In the series of posts to come, I’ll share those insights with you.

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How To Understand & Release Trauma

How To Understand & Release Trauma

35 women came together to ‘share their stories about being assaulted by Bill Cosby and the culture that wouldn’t listen.’ (NY Times) This represents a turning point on how our society views and understands the different types of trauma that exist. Now, particularly online ‘there is a strong sense that speaking up is the only right thing to do, that a women claiming her own victimhood is more powerful than any other weapon in the fight against rape’(NY Times) and healing from trauma.

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