Manon Bolliger
Author | Speaker | Deregistered naturopathic physician

Use This 5 Step System to Discover Your Innate Power to Heal and Start Living Again, Pain-Free, Fulfilled, and Full of Energy

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Today only $97

Finally a proven 5 step system

that gets to the root cause of

what is making you miss out on life because of

illness, pain, and fatigue.

I want you to know, that no matter how much you may feel as if ‘this is as good as it gets’ and that your days now include a level of pain that you’re just going to have to learn how to live with, you’re wrong.

Maybe you’ve missed out on time with family and friends or simply just enjoying getting outside and moving and you’re beginning to resent your body and the pain. Pain can wear you down and make you feel so hopeless. But it’s not necessary.

Even if you’ve tried multiple therapies, seen several doctors, there’s more to this pain and illness than you know or that anyone has told you. AND I want you to know that you can heal.

It’s time to get your life back

You CAN live fully with health, energy, and vitality without expensive drugs and doctor visits!

Imagine what your life will be like when you:

Heavy Check Mark on Twitter  Find your innate healing power, activate it, and wake up every day knowing your body is healing itself.

Heavy Check Mark on Twitter Become more connected to your body and your true essence, creating a direct line to the signals your body is giving you, so you’re aware of what’s going on every moment.

Heavy Check Mark on Twitter Learn to speed your healing and end your suffering so your life’s focus becomes all about the joy of LIVING and spending time with those who matter to you.

Heavy Check Mark on Twitter Understand the method for breathing that actually decreases anxiety, stress, and inflammation, allowing you to take back control over your own body.

Heavy Check Mark on Twitter Know, without a doubt, you have a long, healthy life ahead of you where you can embrace your dreams and let go of pain for good.

Hi, I’m Dr. M, a 30+ year deregistered naturopathic physician.

Years ago, I had stage four cancer and I used this 5 step system to tap into my innate healing power. When I discovered my innate healing power I was blown away.

This innate power helped me get rid of all the misconceptions about healing. Such as “remove the organ versus remove the cancerous relationship.” What a concept right? (lol)

Next, I started looking for the root cause of my cancer.

I started to release the physical and emotional pain associated with the disease by getting rid of
negative thinking and using powerful breath-work.

I finally realized that I’m the captain of the ship and I control my body.

I reclaimed my energy, vitality, passion through this innate healing process.

Then I started to stand for my dreams and I realized I had my life back.

I healed from stage 4 cancer.

Do you want to tap into your innate healing power?

I created this 5 Step Innate Healing System from the discoveries I made while healing from stage 4 cancer.

Inside the 5 Step Innate Healing System, You Will Find:

Module 1: The Root Cause Process that Opens the Door to Healing

Discover the mind-blowing shift that helps you get to the root cause of your illness, pain and fatigue.

The Root Cause Process works because you learn how to:

  • forwardSee your condition through a new lens to change your focus, make new choices, and reclaim your power
  • forwardDiscover the life situations that could be causing your pain, your unwanted disease through a powerful questioning process
  • forwardHow to stop believing you’re the victim of your body
  • forwardReclaim your thinking about your life and finally take back your health, freedom, and spaciousness


Sounds amazing, right? Because it is!!


Module 2: Ancient Healing Methods that Activate Your Body’s Programming

Discover how your body is actually programmed to heal.
In this video training module with PDF manual, you will discover:
Ancient Healing Methods that help your body heal
7 misconceptions about healing
How to stop believing you’re the victim of your body
How to finally listen to your body, communicate and get clarity on the patterns that might be keeping you sick

After years of limited success with chiropractors, an osteopath, massage, physio, cranial sacral and other therapists for whiplash from three separate accidents I was still experiencing chronic pain and increasing loss of mobility and depression. Drawn by a sign for pain management, I walked into Dr. Bolliger’s clinic ready to try anything. The effects have been very gratifying.

Although I still experience neck pain, especially after long spells at the computer, my lower back is almost completely healed, as has my Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, headaches, insomnia, menopausal symptoms and depression. Being free to exercise again, I have also lost fifty pounds, partly due to a weight loss program and supplement that Dr. Bolliger prescribed and supervised.
Even during long spans between Bowen sessions I still feel my body unraveling and relaxing, with muscle groups releasing and shifting. Because Bowen deactivates the normal defence mechanisms that can keep the body rigid and delay or prevent healing, I have had to learn to trust the healing process and go with it. At times I have felt vulnerable, even emotional as old trauma is released. But my range of motion has increased dramatically, much to the delight of my general practitioner. Eventually I expect to achieve full recovery even from my neck injury.
I feel transformed. Full of newfound energy and enthusiasm my family and friends are asking what I’m doing to look and feel so much better, and several have become Dr. Bolliger’s patients.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Beverley Straight

Module 3: Unlock Your Body’s Innate Ability to Heal

It’s time to take your life back.

In this video training module, you will learn:

  • check_circleHow treating the symptoms as the enemy defeats your healing efforts and what to do differently
  • check_circleThe 3 most common mistakes that keep your struggling with aches and pains
  • check_circleThe #1 solution to optimum health
  • check_circleHow redefining your definition of health will free you
  • check_circleWhy drugs will never make you healthy


I was blown away when I discovered this innate intelligence within me that could heal my cancer.

“I have also been wanting to write you to thank you for all the help you have given me with my lower back/right hip problem. I hesitated to write too soon to tell you how much better it is, for fear that the pain would return, but you have helped me immensely and my life has a renewed sense of purpose. I believe you have alleviated by severe spasm problems and am no longer afraid to go out in public. Thank you for giving me my life back!”

Arlene McKinlay

Module 4: The Breathing Method Discovered to Help the Body Heal.

Most people have restricted energy, restricted breathing, and a lack of spaciousness as a result of not breathing properly and this can stop your natural healing process completely!


In this video training module, you will learn:


  • check_circleHow to breathe and enliven your body and bring out the spaciousness in your life
  • check_circleHow to eliminate negative thoughts and accelerate healing
  • check_circleHow to flood your body with positive emotion and release feelings such as shame, fear, and anger that block your ability to heal and contribute to your physical pain
  • check_circleAccess greater awareness and control of your emotions and thoughts keep life simple


Enliven your body, become more present, and get more focused.

OH YEAH, did I mention you will be RELAXED and how important this is to HEALING

As you can see, My System is an INTELLIGENT process that BENEFITS your entire life.

If you’re like me when I had stage 4 cancer, you want your WHOLE life back and filled with…


Watch how differently you show up in your relationships, career and life because of this one STEP.

Module 5: Give Your Body the Emotional Vibration it Needs to Thrive

Take back your awareness, so you can navigate the emotions that life throws at you with ease.

In this video training module, you will learn:

  • check_circleHow to Unleash creativity and shift your personal power
  • check_circleLearn simple techniques that allow you to transform into your vision of health and well-being.
  • check_circleShift your focus in life from living without pain to living with purpose towards a dream!

Yes! I want the Innate Healing System
Regular price $197
Today only $97

Our Guarantee: Though we cannot guarantee results as we are individuals having our own experience… We know that with perseverance and commitment our bodies will heal. If you have implemented the strategies suggested and you do not see the value in them, we will refund you and appreciate that you have given it your best.

Here’s what my client Julie says about this process and how it
changed her life….

“When Dr Manon talked about awareness of your body, I had no idea that you can elevate your own mood. Just by looking at my posture, she helped me understand that “not standing up for myself” was reflected in my back pain. She helped me to understand that shifting my perspective, shifted my chronic back pain. I was in control and could make my symptoms worse or better.
The root cause process surprised me and allowed me to re-focus my attention where it needed to go.
The more time I have spent working with Dr Manon the more I have really appreciated that change is possible.”

–Julie Salisbury, Founder and CEO Influence Publishing Inc.

BONUS #1: Receive my “How to Find the Right Health Care Team” Guide

What Is This Book About?
What I have learned from 25 years of practice, is that when patients are given the opportunity to be truly heard, they gain the power to understand their symptoms and impact their prognosis. I go through a step by step process to help you find what you are looking for.



Why a diagnosis does not predict the outcome in your health, including how long you will suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, or anxiety.
How to support your health efforts and work with your chronic pain without breaking the bank.
Understand the importance of being in alignement with your choices and the health team you are working with as well as identifying when you need to make a change and leave chronic pain behind.
And So Much More…

How To Find The Right

Heath Care Team

BONUS #2: Take my Health Archetype Quiz and join me for a webinar to discover how your personality is affecting your health.

Health is not a struggle. Your body has the ability to heal itself. Learn how to ignite health and transform “dis-ease” to “at-ease”!

In this 5 part training with webinars, videos, book and downloadable worksheets you will get:

  • starStep #1: The Root Cause Process: Discover the mind-blowing shift that helps you get to the root cause of your illness, pain and fatigue.
  • starStep #2: Remove the obstacles that are limiting your ability to heal. Discover the secret to enlivening your body, becoming more present, and getting more focused.
  • starStep #3: Unlock Your Body’s Innate ability to Heal.
  • starStep #4: Discover the Ancient Breathing Method Discovered to Heal the Body. Experience the power of reflection and presence to avoid negative thoughts that perpetuate stress and prevent healing.
  • starStep #5: Give Your Body the Emotional Vibration it Needs to Thrive. Find out how you can ignite your health, your creativity, and your self-expression.
  • starBONUS: How To Find The Right Health CareTeam; Synergy dialogues- my users guide  on how to dive more deeply into understanding your diagnosis.

HURRY! Life is too short to miss out on anything!

Yes! I want the Innate Healing System
Regular price $197
Today only $97

Though we cannot guarantee results as we are individuals having our own experience… We know that with perseverance and commitment our bodies will heal. If you have implemented the strategies suggested and you do not see the value in them, we will refund you and appreciate that you have given it your best.

 Here’s What Other People Are Saying:

” Dr. Bolliger speaks to the critical
importance of going after
context of the illness, what lies
behind the symptoms, and
addressing the patient as a whole.”

– Nelie Johnson, MD

“I think it serves doctors and
patients alike to investigate the
insight she has developed over her
years of clinical interactions with
people challenged with a wide
variety of health concerns in the
current environment of North
America health care.”

– Dr. David Scotten ND, MEd.
Dean of Academics. Boucher
Institute of Naturopathic

“An original and insightful look at
health, illness and the healing
process by a dedicated
complementary practitioner from
whose work I have benefited

Gabor Mate M.D. – physician –
Best seller Author

“Dr. Manon’s programs
incorporate Body-Mind Healing
and challenges the assumptions
behind “band-aid approaches”and
the war against the body. Her
work is powerful, informative and

– Suzanne LaCombe Ed. D. R.

The cost of inaction is

Yes! I want the Innate Healing System

Your Investment Today: $97 (regular price $197)


Though we cannot guarantee results as we are individuals having our own experience… We know that with perseverance and commitment our bodies will heal. If you have implemented the strategies suggested and you do not see the value in them, we will refund you and appreciate that you have given it your best.


Here are some Frequently Asked Questions

Will the 5 step Innate Healing System help me actually start my healing process?

Yes. You will become clearer on what affects your health and your pain and much clearer on how to find the right path for yourself and the right health team.


If I already have a breathing method, does your offer still make sense?

Yes. There is a synergy between, mind, breathe, stance and having information at your fingertips which accelerates change.


Do you talk about clinical cases?

Yes. I do, as examples of patient’s challenges and victories help you understand what the journey back to health consists of.


Can share this info with my Medical Doctor?

Absolutely, I have great respect for people who go into Medicine with the desire to help people. I believe in sharing new perspectives which positively impact people’s lives.

Your Investment Today: $97 (regular price $197)

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