How Can I Optimize my Body’s Resilience?
Join us this July 14, 2020 for our LIVE webinar series to discuss the benefits of Bowen Therapy in your home and how you can Reboot Your Body naturally by better understanding the breadth & depth of this healing system.
Our body is programmed to heal.
The most meaningful step anyone can take now is to take ownership of their personal health and be more cognisant of how the body is responding to symptoms and how the immune system works.
This 6-part webinar is hosted by Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND and she will be joined by other practitioners who have benefited through this work.

Manon Bolliger, RBHT, FCAH is Best selling author of “What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: the mindful Doctors Patient relationship”, she is currently writing a book based on her LISTEN: The intelligent Healing System called ‘Your Body is Speaking – Are You Listening?”
Manon is a retired Board-Certified Naturopathic Physician 1992-2020, founder and CEO of Bowen College, host of the Healer’s Café as well as her own TV channel “Pain Relief with BowenFirst™ Therapy”. Her TEDxTenayaPaseo (2021) talk was censored and never released.. She is blessed with 3 inspiring adult children and a loving life partner. For more information, go to