How to Release Chronic Stress
How to Rid Yourself of its Cascading Negative Effects
How to Deal with Pain Naturally & Effectively
How to Use BowenFirst™ Therapy to Engage Your Body’s Innate Healing

Stress can have a significant impact on both the body and mind.
Physically, stress can lead to muscle tension, headaches, digestive issues,
weakened immune systems, and even cardiovascular problems.
Mentally, stress can cause anxiety, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, health concerns, and even depression or suicidal thoughts.
It’s important to practice self-care, mindfulness, and stress-reducing techniques to help
maintain a healthy balance in both your body and mind. However, it is also vital to learn and implement simple, gentle, and holistic therapies such as BowenFirst™ Therapy to restore your body to a healing (parasympathetic) state.
Prioritizing your well-being is key to living a happier and healthier life.
By taking the time to address stress and its effects on our overall well-being
by registering for the first module of the Simple Solutions for Stress course at no charge, we empower ourselves
to lead more fulfilling lives. Implementing the simple yet effective strategies within this course
can work wonders in alleviating stress and its cascading negative effects.
Remember, each person’s journey to managing stress is unique, so it’s essential to explore
different techniques and find what works best for you.
Let’s prioritize our mental and physical health, one step at a time,
to cultivate a healthy and joyful existence.

What’s Included in Simple Solutions for Stress:
Module 1 (FREE) – The Fundamentals of Stress
- The Cause of Stress
- 4 categories of STRESS & how it impacts your body & mind
- Placebo or Nocebo
- 3 Misconceptions about HEALING
- Importance of TOUCH
- UNDERSTANDING FASCIA & its importance
- The principles behind & benefits of REBOOTing YOUR BODY
- An introduction to BOWENFIRST™ THERAPY
You will receive Module 1 at no cost and with no obligation to purchase.
Upon completing Module 1, you have the option to upgrade to receive Modules 2 through 6
for the limited-time offer of $197 USD*. Includes BONUS: Tips on Listening To Your Body
Module 2 – The Repercussions of Not Addressing Stress and Chronic Disease
- Importance of addressing stress & trauma and the repercussions of not doing so.
- How the body stores trauma
- The impact of unidentified trauma
- How to address pain
- The role of parasympathetic system
- Integrating Body & Mind
- Lower body autonomic integration moves – AIM
- Starting procedure to get the body out of Stress Mode
Module 3 – Pain
- Pain and Neuromatrix theory
- Pain and pain perception
- Role of Pain
- Role of inflammation and pain
- Upper body autonomic integration moves Part 1 – AIM
Module 4 – The Role of Cellular Memory in Trauma & Healing
- Scar tissue
- Fascia
- Piezoelectric Effect
- Cell memory and trauma
- Upper Body Autonomic Integration Moves (AIMs) – Part 2
Module 5 – Mental Health
- The vagus nerve dysfunction
- The gut-brain connection
- The memory pool
- Mental Health and Anxiety
- BowenFirst™ moves for the lower body
Module 6 – Stress Management
- Review of main points
- More on BowenFirst™ therapy
- Cervical AIM (Autonomic Integration Moves)
- Suggestions on what to do following Reboot®
If you wish to purchase the entire Simple Solutions for Stress course today for $197 USD*,
do so by clicking the button below and begin your healing journey TODAY!

When you register by filling in the form below for your free training, you will learn:
- How to Release Chronic Stress
- How to Rid Yourself of its Cascading Negative Effects
- How to Deal with Pain Naturally & Effectively
- How to Use BowenFirst™ Therapy to Engage Your Body’s Innate Healing
When you register for this Free Masterclass, you will also gain immediate access to this Free Gift – ‘Off Switch’ For Chronic Pain PDF
Allows Your Body To Heal Itself Naturally…
And Works Without Pills, Therapy Or Doctor Visits!

we will not spam, rent, or sell your information; however,
by clicking the button above, you are consenting to us sending you relevant information.
*Prices are subject to change.
This website and course do not provide medical advice.
The use of the website/course does not establish a doctor-patient relationship.
Do not use this website/course for emergencies. If you think you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or dial 911 immediately.
This website and course are provided to the general public for reference and educational purposes only. The content is not meant to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual’s medical condition. This website/course is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide medical advice, and it should not be used to make a diagnosis or to replace or overrule a healthcare provider’s judgment. The content on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified and licensed physician or other medical care provider, and follow their advice regardless of anything read on this website/course.
Do not rely on communication through this website/course for immediate, urgent medical needs. This website/course is not designed to facilitate medical emergencies. Users should not rely upon this website/course for emergency medical treatment.
If you are thinking about suicide, or you’re worried about someone else, help is available. Speak with someone today.
Suicide Crisis Helpline
Text or Call: 9-8-8 (toll-free, 24/7)
For more information, visit https://988.ca
Kids Help Phone can also support you.
Call: 1-800-668-6868 (24/7)
Text: CONNECT to 686868
Live Chat: 7 pm to midnight (ET)
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