Next week, I am heading to Calgary to speak at the Health Fusion Conference, about feet! Yes, that’s right. Without them, life would be difficult!. So on Friday, June 26th, at the Hyatt Regency in Calgary, I will be presenting Feet Matter: Simple Solutions for Feet –  The focus of the presentation will be on Bowen and other Therapeutic solutions for feet; simple, immediately applicable procedures to address flat feet and a variety of foot problems, such as ankle sprains, hammertoes, Morton’s Neuroma, Metatarsal stress fracture, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, shin splints and bunions. The presentation will demonstrate how to integrate these protocols into a holistic approach to healing, which not only aligns the body but the entire person. I will address how “centric relation” is of paramount importance to the body and how touch is an essential component of healing. COME JOIN ME!