Everyone has that still quiet voice inside them, and it speaks constantly. Amidst the noise and chaos of the world, people turn their focus on other things. Like ghosts, they walk around never truly connecting with themselves. They exist in a space between needless worry and regret. Many are stuck in a waking life looking backwards. Because of this, the future looms over. Yet many don’t recognize their symptoms for what it truly is. All they know is their backs are breaking, their hips are aching and their feet are hurting.

Worst of all, they’ve tried everything to no avail. They pay chiropractors to crack their bones into place. They try different forms of physical therapy. They swallow pills to numb the pain. Some have even gone as far as surgery. Even when they go through all of this, they never feel whole. Deep inside, there’s a yearning for something more. It’s as if their soul longs to dance, yet they’re trapped inside their own skin.

1.  Everything is interconnected.

The psychologist Carl Jung once said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” The truth is there are many things our conscious mind can’t perceive about ourselves. What we think we know is a fraction of what we really know. What we think is hip pain may actually be symptoms of trapped emotions. Stricken with grief, the body instinctively curls up into the foetal position. The chest feels heavy, and breathing is labored. Over time, the body learns to keep itself stuck in this feeling. Because it can’t release it, those emotions are stored as physical pain.


2.  The body is capable of healing.

When the body undergoes stress, it holds itself in a certain position for too long. Because of this, most people assume it’s enough to massage the knots or crack the bones into place. What they don’t realize is that the body remembers trauma. Like a computer, it programs itself to be in a certain state. This is why chronic pain boomerangs back after therapy. In order to heal, the body must realign itself from within. This is why it’s important to work with and not against the body’s own healing systems.


3.  The symptoms may point to something else.

Right beneath our skin, the fascia crosses our body obliquely, transversely, vertically and horizontally. It’s this tensegrity that holds everything together. When one part of the body is affected, another part compensates. Hip pain may sometimes be connected to tense shoulders. The reason why the pain recurs is because it originates from somewhere else.

4.  Touch is a form of communication.

To many, the idea of talking to our own body sounds ludicrous. When they’re tired, they drink more caffeine. When they’re unable to sleep, they take melatonin pills. What they’re really doing is using chemical substances to alter the body’s current state.

The body is capable of producing everything it needs. The skin alone is connected to thousands of nerve endings, and they’re all interconnected in the body. Through touch therapy, the body can be rewired to heal itself. It’s like undoing the programming caused by trauma and pain.