by Manon Bolliger, facilitator & retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice | About Your Health, Addressing Your Pain
In another post ( I addressed the widespread myth of emotional suppression or repression and explained how this construct misunderstood and misrepresented the healing process and health...
by Manon Bolliger, facilitator & retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice | About Your Health
In my last post ( we considered the shortcomings of both suppression and expression as means for dealing with emotional trauma. Today we’ll consider the third option: releasing. ...
by Manon Bolliger, facilitator & retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice | About Your Health
I’ve spent quite a while now discussing the symptom as a bodily function. Now I’d like us to look at the emotions as symptoms. Given that at least one-tenth of the North American population is taking some form of anti-psychotic medication, what we perceive to be the...