by Manon Bolliger, facilitator & retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice | About Your Health, Addressing Your Pain
In the last couple posts we’ve seen how mechanical and structural explanations for persistent whip lash pain don’t stand up as well as does subjective and emotional explanations. It turns out than even muscular explanations are not as compelling as many might assume...
by Manon Bolliger, facilitator & retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice | Addressing Your Pain
In my most recent posts I considered the brain science on pain and how it indicates that a patient’s perception and experience of pain cannot necessarily be reduced to assessment of specific lesion events or their presumed effects. Let’s get into this a little more...
by Manon Bolliger, facilitator & retired naturopath with 30+ years of practice | About Your Health, Addressing Your Pain
I have successfully treated patients using BowenFirst™ for frozen shoulders, sciatica, migraines, low back pain, whiplash, TMJ and fibromyalgia, as well as for generalized aches and pains with their various reasons and likely “explanation” as in osteoarthritis years...