We left off in the last post asking the question, if the Germ Theory of Disease was wrong, and germs did not cause disease, but were rather a response to illness, then what exactly were these bacteria doing? To answer that question, we have to set it into the larger context of what constitutes a healthy terrain.

A healthy terrain is maintained by proper levels of nutrients, adequate oxygenation, the right electro-magnetic charge (i.e. a healthy cell carries an electromagnetic negative charge) and a proper acid/alkaline balance. When we are “acidic” it is as if our body is starting the decay process. This is the prime attraction for yeast and fungus growth. Bacteria come on the scene to help clean up the debris that has been created as the byproducts of these micro-organisms. The more acidic the terrain, the harder it is for oxygen to enter and the more beneficial the environment is for anaerobic bacteria. It is a vicious cycle.

Yeasts, fungus and mold produce disruptive waste products, which are found in the tissues of a person with a compromised terrain. Examples of the by-products are acetaldehyde, oxalic acid, lactic acid, uric acid, and alcohol. In response to these metabolites, the liver produces low-density lipoprotein in order to bind the toxins. These new compounds have a tendency to become oxidized and stick to lesions in the artery. If these compounds bind to the walls of red blood cells, the circulation in the capillaries is compromised, and oxygen starvation and deprivation occurs in the tissues.

This is the beginning of problems for the person with such a compromised terrain. In the next post, we’ll follow further the implications of these kinds of developments.